Tuesday 11 December 2012


One day there was a boy named nothing who lived in a town in the middle of no where, no where had a population of two, nothing and something where the ones that lived in the town of no where nothing and something decided one day to go on a adventure somewhere so they did, they packed there supplies and headed out to the land of somewhere but before they could get off there lawn they saw a heard of things nothing and something got scared and started to run but insted they  ran into each other and fell to the floor unconscious. When the woke from there unsuspected sleep they tried to figure out where they were

Tuesday 4 December 2012

My rambling autobiography

I was born June 9th 2000 the day Elizabeth Shue got a hardvard degree. the exact month day asnd year i was born,I was born in a hospital in winnipeg. I will always remember the day that I went to school for the first time I was so scared that I peed my pants before I even walked in kindergarten class and I had to go back home and change. I also met my frist second and third friend in kindergarten. I remember playing in my back yard that seamed so big at first but when I got older I gets smaller every time In first grade I met meanest teacher she would make me sit outside of class for no ape-rant Reason one of my favorite memory was playing in the sandbox outside of  school i am also fond of sports i like basketball but som it get so intenes at times. I still remember the day I played basketball fdor the first time i triped and scraped my knee on the cement, And i started to cry so hard that my parents thought was dieing  

Thursday 22 November 2012

My basic needs and multiple intelligent pie graph

Monday 19 November 2012

My Credo

1. I believe that people should not be made fun of because they're gay,lesbian,bisexual or a different color
2. I believe that people should not be forced to doing things they do not want to do  

3. I believe that there should be no child soldiers

4. I believe that children are the future of this world  

5. I believe that humans should always be free

I believe that animals should not be hunted just for pride and joy

7. I believe kids should not be under pressure when doing work  

I believe that women should not get abused

9. I believe that that child trafficking should be stopped

10. I believe that kids should not be scared to go to school because of bullies

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Term one reflection and goals

To read me term one reflection click here

Wednesday 31 October 2012

Top ten Favorite video games

To read my top ten favorite games click here

Saturday 27 October 2012


To read on my story click here

Thursday 18 October 2012

cyber bullying

cyber bullying