Monday 10 June 2013

Term three

In term three everything got harder especially math we learned a lot about pythgoras throem geometry and algebra witch brung my grades down five% but over all math was fun in someways. We also finished the sequel to the chaos walking the Ask and the Answer witch was awesome to read I can't wait to start the third book in the series Monsters of men. We built a lot of structures in science  my favourite structure we built was a windmill witch are group came in first.In social studies we made an island which was fun our island is based on thenike logo. we learned something new in. Term three poetry witch is fun to do we started wi diemantes,haiku,concrete poems and now we are doing a feelings open witch I nearly finished.In term three we went on a lot of field trips my favorite field trip was going to vertical adventures we are also going to the zoo and to camp manetoo. we also did a lot of side activities like students form other schools whould come in an teach us peace building a group activities they are called the youth peach building program, It was fun working with them. We also went to the new wayfinders building to learn about how they can help us get abetted education.